
s88 Consultation
More and more non-profit organizations and charitable groups are being established, but effectively operating and sustaining their development may appear simple but is far from easy. This is because if a non-profit organization is found to be inactive during its establishment period, there is a risk of having its 88 license revoked or losing its tax-exempt status. In addition to upholding their own beliefs and objectives, non-profit organizations also need to learn how to sustain and operate effectively and strategically, which is equally crucial! Do you happen to know what funding opportunities are suitable for your group? And how about the preparations beforehand?

Funding Application Consultation
After the economic trauma Hong Kong suffered following the pandemic, many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups have been significantly affected. Faced with numerous uncertainties, many organizations are struggling to sustain their operations. While the government and large institutional funds have provided various subsidy programs to help everyone tide over the difficulties, the cumbersome application process has discouraged many people. Therefore, our consulting service aims to demystify the techniques of applying for funding, helping you expedite the application process and alleviate your urgent concerns.

QF & CEF Application Consultation
​Have you ever thought about applying for courses that can be funded by the Continuing Education Fund? Nowadays, many people find the most challenging hurdle to be the successful application for the Qualifications Framework. How much do you know about the Qualifications Framework? And how difficult is it to apply for the Qualifications Framework? Are there any little-known tips and tricks? Our consulting service is here to address and properly guide you through the entire process, so you don't have to fear not knowing how to handle inquiries from the authorities.