Got at least
offer from top 3 choices
Got offer(s) from Top
US National Universities or UK Russell Group Universities
Extra Bonus
of our clients got offers with scholarship

We are founded by a group of dedicated professionals who have served young people for many years. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for young people (mainly from middle school to high school) to discover their true dreams. We are committed to providing a variety of life values and life planning activities and programs to help young people develop a positive attitude, mindset, and soft skills to face the future.
We would like to bring DREAMS to youngsters through a scientific and systematic approach, our own Methodology. Under our creative life coaching and intensive mentoring system, youngsters can develop strategic plans on how they can find their dreams, as well as set milestones for actualizing them.

Life Coaching
Unique coaching approach
Personalized guidance
Personality and career assessments
Assisting in defining academic, career, and life goals
Creating a competitive edge
Profile Essentials
Insight Generation
Academic Advice
Goals & Milestones
Passion & Career Exploration
Soft Skills Adoption
Social Awareness
Self-Started Initiative
Passion Project
ECA Strategy
Admissions Counseling
Profile Analysis
Strategic Planning
School Selection
Essays Coaching
App Form Guidance
Admissions Test Plan
Reference Guidance
Interview Prep
Waitlist Strategy
At OGL, we believe in a comprehensive and personalized coaching approach for student success. Our coaching style is tailored to meet the unique needs and aspirations of each student, providing them with the guidance and support they need to excel. Through a combination of personality and career assessments, along with in-depth interviews, our counselors and coaches help students identify their passions and interests. We then assist them in defining academic, career, and life goals, setting the stage for success in university admissions and their chosen careers.
Passion & Interests Confirmation
Through personality and career assessment combining with our in-depth interview, our counselors/coaches help students to identify and confirm their ultimate passion and interests. We further help them define academic, career and life goals for their future success in both university admissions and future career.
Obstacles Identification & Overcoming
It is always good to prepare for future obstacles. We will help students to plan ahead and identify potential obstacles so that students can have idea on what they are going to face in the upcoming future. We will further help students to plan for the solutions to overcome different obstacles and challenges.
Skill Set Adoption
To succeed, students are required to identify their own strengths and weaknesses to further develop or adopt new hard and soft skill sets that they might omit or overlook. We will help students to explore those skill sets and to tackle them.
Strategic Reflection & Calibration
The most valuable part for all experiences is the part of reflection. Without this, students won’t be able to learn and tackle the knowledge. We help students to learn and extract valuable information and knowledge from different experiences as well as conducting calibration for their existing goals and milestones.